Friday, December 18, 2009


I have been inspired to do a lot of things lately!

If you know me, you have probably figured out by now that i am a pretty determined person, and when i get something in my head, i can usually find a way to do it. Sometimes i get side tracked, and sometimes, it takes me a while to get to where i was going, but if its something i really want, i figure out a way to do it.

The motto i have determined i like to live by is The harder you work, the Luckier you get (thanks Dad!). I have been pretty lucky in life!

I have recently been doing things to get myself motivated! I have gone to several seminars (mostly career related) which have given me inspiration, been talking to a lot of people about lots of different things, and giving myself ideas (nice, right?).

In one of the seminars i attended, the suggestion was made to get an Accountability Buddy. I thought this was a great idea. First of all, its an excuse to get together with a great friend i have drifted apart from (shout out T), and makes me focus on accomplishing something so that i can report back to her at our monthly luncheons. I am also her accountability buddy. I cant wait for our next lunch to report back, and hear her report!

I have also decided that i would like to become a regular in the Blogging world, because i truly love to write, and have given myself a Life Goal of writing a Book at some point, so i might as well start getting some ideas.

And finally, i have decided that i am also passionate about capturing the moments through film (well, i guess its now digital). I have always loved photos, but i have now made the decision to dedicate more time to taking and learning to take better photos.

My Goal (another one of many) is to make this blog, an interesting, inspiring, creative blog to read. Sure, i would like for other people to find it interesting, but mostly, i want to capture the important moments for myself.

Thanks K and your cousin for my new inspiration - i hope this camera stuff doesn't get too expensive.