Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mexican Bluetooth

Jaimito informed me this is his BlueTooth.

According to him, its the Mexican Version.

(Translation: his cell phone is in his "veanie")

I hope the cop that pulls him over gets his sense of humor too.

A Visit with L8RK8RB (and my sister)!

Kate came to visit a few days ago and we spent the whole weekend shopping!

She brought her NEW CAR (L8RK8RB) and her doggie Piper.

I spent WAYYY too much MONEY, but we got lots of really cute stuff.

Mom even changed clothes in the parking lot before second saturday!

Walking Helmet

Jaime came into the office the other day, wearing one of our employees helmets he had found in the warehouse.

He seemed to be a little bit to excited!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally Made An Offer!!!

We finally have come to a decision and made an offer on a house.

Its on an acre of land with a tennis court!

We have big plans if our offer is accepted including a kitchen remodel, a new wrap around deck, and a pool!

There is plenty of room for lots of birthday parties, family events, holidays, soccer practice, and somehow i got the idea of having a 70's roller skating party on the tennis court...

A New Friend

I ran across this funny picture while i was reviewing photos from our crew today.

This is Francisco, and apparently, his new friend.