Thursday, February 25, 2010

Squeeeeze Inn

squeeze inn is one of our favorite burger places in sacramento, and they happen to be located just a few blocks away from our office.

they recently moved locations, and we happened to be craving that cheese skirt on their grand opening day!

Jaimito was not very happy to have to wait an hour for our burgers
(even though it was his idea to go there...)

the line was looooong, but the burgers were worth the wait. they were so good i even forgot to take a picture!

a new find... a juicer!

so... we clean out foreclosure houses for banks, and along the way i collect things that i want to keep (i save them from the landfill)... what most people (aka Jaimito and the rest of the crews) see as junk, i see as a new addition to my kitchen/house/storage.

I have been wanting a juicer so i can make juice out of all of the oranges we find in trees at different houses, and i finally found one!

---notice the cute pic in the background... :)