Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Phoenix Field Vernal Pools

Daniel has been studying Vernal Pools in School and finds them really interesting. He has shared a lot of what he has learned with us. We realized that there are some Vernal Pools very close to our house, so we took him and Giselle over for a nature walk.

It was actually very peaceful and quiet. Although we didnt see the animal or flower he is assigned to write a report on, i think he was glad to see the Vernal Pools first hand.

Flea Market - From a Kids Perspective...

The Flea Market - From A Kids Perspective!

Jaimito and i took Giselle and Tito & Tita to The Galt Flea Market, and i brought along my camera. Giselle was really interested in taking pictures while we were there. Here is what the Flea Market looks like from her perspective...

This is Giselle on our 30 minute drive to Galt. She couldnt wait to get there and explore!

She was really into taking pictures of other kids. She took a picture of this little girl because of her pretty dress.

Tito was really excited to be there too! Even with his neck brace from recent surgery! What a good sport!

Giselle really liked these little girls' garden butterflies. She ended up picking one out later in the day that came home with us.

Maybe she wanted a balloon too?

She did take a little break from her picture taking - to be in a picture with all the beautiful fruits and veggies!

She even saw one of her cousins while we were there!

I think this is the view she sees a lot, being that she is only a little more then 3' tall. This is Jaimito, from the back.

Oh, and looking up at Tita.

And a really pretty orange tree someone walking fast was holding.

And finally, a Lobster on the sign where we bought fresh seafood. Maybe this is where the name Henry the Lobster came from.



At the flea market you can find lots of good buys on lots of interesting things...

Toilet Paper! Not sure if this is a great deal cause we buy ours at Costco - but they have a lot!

Lots of Clothing for sale! Giselle was really impressed by the girls dresses!


We bought a few different types of nuts and dried fruits. I dont think any of them made it home... We ate them as we shopped!

Ohhh fresh bananas! You cant find them like this in the grocery store!

Lots of Citrus was displayed because that is what is in season now! Fruits vary based on season. I am hoping to go back for some watermelon sometime in the next few months!

And finally our favorite vendore! Mexican Candy and Pinatas!

Beautiful Sky!

I took these pictures a few weeks ago from our car window while we were driving to the Galt Flea Market. I was amazed at how beautiful the sky looked that day!

*This photo was taken by Giselle from the back seat! :)